Friday 26 August 2011

Ketchup! Bass!

Recently, on Brighton's Gay Pride weekend no less, Adam launched a brazen and ferocious attack on the knee of an Irish citizen, using ketchup as his weapon. He did it in broad daylight, and, incredibly, even attempted to disguise himself by wearing my jumper. Here he is - RED HANDED....

In other more pertinent news, Adam layed down some bass-lines for the new album this weekend, and was closely supervised when within the proximity of all condiments.....

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Album Number Two Commenceth

Emilio from Illness, and engineer Chris Blake spent a day in a practice room tracking the drums for Stick In A Pot's next album. I made food, and looked on, and in between takes me and Emilio had a brutal and cut-throat game of chess